

My name is Skyler Breanne. I am 26 years old and live in beautiful Colorado. I have a love for yoga, cooking, photography, nature, my dogs, and creating things. I also want to be a writer and conservationist. I’m your typical free spirit, trying to live a green and peaceful life.

And that is what this blog is all about! Living a green, peaceful life and all that comes with it; Health, Spirit, and Planet!

In order to live a balanced, peace filled-life, we must look at all aspects of living; eating, moving, breathing, thinking, dreaming, progressing. How do we find mindfulness in all we do, and live a life that is meaningful and full of love and beauty? How do we contribute to this Earth in a way that matters? How do we live to the fullest and find who we are within?


Honoring our bodies is the first step to finding peace and happiness. When we treat them with the respect they deserve by eating nutritious foods and using wellness products that make us feel truly good, we can reach our full potential in all areas of our life. In my opinion, utilizing herbal medicine and following a plant based diet is the best way to treat our bodies with kindness and get back to our natural state of being. This section will be full of vegan/vegetarian recipes, herbal remedies, essential oils, natural beauty tips and wellness product recommendations.


I am an extremely spiritual person, and I believe balancing the body, mind, and soul is of utmost importance for living life to the fullest! Setting aside time for yoga and meditation can have overwhelming benefits in your life. Finding time to spend with yourself is critical. We are constantly discovering who we are, and growing and changing every day. Knowing yourself personally and staying inspired, connected, and creative is important to the health of our soul and also our culture as human beings. This section will contain all things yoga, meditation, crystals, spirituality, inspiration, and philosophy.


When we align body and mind and are one with ourselves, it is then possible to give back to the Earth and to others. This will be the section all about conservation, the health of the planet, and how to make a difference for the Earth and your community. After all, giving back to and taking care of mother earth is part of living a healthy and green life! The gifts of nature are precious and should be appreciated.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you so much for reading. I hope what you find here benefits you and your beautiful life. We are on this journey together!


Skyler Breanne

For business inquiries or other purposes, please contact skylerbreanne23@gmail.com

Disclaimer: Although herbal medicine and holistic methods can be very effective, they do not take the place of your doctor or medication. Please continue to visit your doctor for medical advice and seek professional help for any serious mental or physical ailments.

Raven Rose

All custom graphics on this site by Preston Daniels – find him on Deviant Art to request commissions!